RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Irvine’

AC Repair Vs. AC Maintenance: What’s the Difference?

Monday, April 1st, 2024

This is an important question, even if it seems like something that our customers might know intuitively. Sometimes, no matter what is going on with the internal workings of your air conditioner, you call our team to schedule an appointment. The difference between whether it’s a maintenance call or a service call can sometimes feel trivial.

But the truth is there’s a very big difference between these two types of appointments. When you call us, we can try to make the best call for what you need in the moment, but we think all of our customers would be better off knowing the difference between the two.

Do you need air conditioning repair in Irvine, CA? Or perhaps a maintenance appointment would be a better choice? Keep reading to learn the answer.

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Check on Your Furnace Even When It Isn’t Turned On Often

Monday, June 12th, 2023

Now that it’s summer, your furnace may be the last thing on your mind. But you still need to keep it on your radar, even as the weather heats up. Your furnace is off for around half of the year, sitting unused.

It’s a good idea to check on your furnace even during the spring and summer, and we will explain why. If you have experienced any problems with your furnace in recent months, don’t put off furnace repair in Irvine. Give us a call now so that we can address any furnace problems ahead of the fall and winter seasons. They will be here before you know it!

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Why Most Businesses Use Rooftop HVAC Units

Monday, October 17th, 2022

When it comes to heating and cooling your business, you want the best results possible for your team and customers. Many of our commercial clients choose to invest in a rooftop HVAC unit because of the numerous benefits. You may not have noticed a rooftop HVAC system before, but now that you know about them, you will.

But what is it that makes rooftop HVAC units so popular compared to a more traditional model that sits on the ground? You can keep reading to learn more about why most businesses use rooftop HVAC units for their heating and cooling needs. Then, when you’re ready for commercial HVAC in Irvine, CA, you can give us a call for the best installation and customer service around. 

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Sounds You Do Want to Hear Come from Your AC

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

Unusual sounds coming from your air conditioner are usually easy to identify. They’re loud and surprisingly most of the time, but they can also be quiet and barely noticeable. These sounds are the ones that mix in with your regular AC sounds that are perfectly normal to hear. In fact, sometimes it’s about when you hear a particular sound that makes it OK or not OK to hear.

That’s why it’s so important for homeowners to understand how your air conditioner works so they can easily identify when something is wrong. One of the best ways to understand your AC unit is to know what sounds are common to hear throughout the day. Then, you know when you need to call for air conditioning service in Irvine, CA.

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Sounds You Don’t Want to Hear Come From Your AC

Monday, September 19th, 2022

Nothing that has a motor or fan is completely silent when it runs. Your HVAC system is no exception to this rule. As your HVAC system turns on to heat or cool your home, you may hear it click a few times. You may hear the gentle hum of the air compressor and air swooshing as it blows through your vents. But what sounds are bad to hear from your air conditioner? 

Well, anything that is very loud or surprising is definitely a red flag. But there are other sounds that can indicate a problem, too. If you hear something unusual from your AC and think you need air conditioning repair in Irvine, CA, give our team a call. In the meantime, learn more about HVAC sounds that can mean damage to your system.

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Last Call on Your AC Repair!

Monday, October 4th, 2021

Now that fall has arrived, you probably have your sights set on your heating services. This is what’s ahead of you and we’re sure that you want to be prepared for everything that’s to come in this upcoming season. While we understand this, it’s still important for you to square away your air conditioning needs now. 

We’re the team you can turn to if you’re looking for AC repair in Irvine, CA. Make sure that you get the most from your air conditioning repair with a team of professionals like ours. We’re diligent, conscientious, and we take cost into mind as well. We’re ready to help you round out the warm weather season.

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How To Get the Best AC Service Possible

Monday, May 3rd, 2021
Family holding green paper house in hands. Real estate concept

A Southern California summer is nothing to scoff at. If you’ve been an Irvine resident for more than a summer, then you already know this. The real question is—how are you going to prepare this year?

Our team members are the experts when it comes to air conditioning in Irvine, CA. If you want to get amazing AC service this year, you’ve found the right blog. Today, we’re going to go through a few ways for you to improve your home’s air conditioning service this year. If you ever need other services like maintenance, repair, or replacement work, we’re here to provide these services as well.

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How to Properly Wrap Up Your Furnace for Spring

Monday, April 19th, 2021
portrait of Hands of woman holding white paper house

It’s spring and the weather is finally starting to warm up. Are you ready for the warm weather that’s to come?

Even if you’re ready for warmer weather and more days spent outdoors, it’s important to make sure that your home is comfortable. You don’t want to come home from a warm day outdoors to a stifling hot home as well. You want to have a calm, peaceful spring. Well, the first part to having a peaceful spring season doesn’t actually start with air conditioning maintenance. It actually starts with your furnace service.

Make sure that any furnace needs you have been handled. We can help you with your furnace repair in Irvine, CA.

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What’s That Heating Noise?

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Something really weird has been going on this winter. Whenever you run your home’s heater, you’re starting to notice that your heater is making all these weird noises whenever it runs. During fall, this wasn’t too disruptive. Now though, you’ve noticed that the noises seem to get louder and more persistent every single day.

We’re here to help when you need heating repair in Irvine, CA. We’re helpful professionals who understand that your home needs to be warm and energy-efficient too. Keep reading below to figure out what’s up with your home’s heater.

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“What Can Help My Heating System?”

Monday, February 8th, 2021

It’s finally starting to get cold in Irvine. We’ve had some windy days, some chilly mornings, and some frigid evenings even the past few weeks. We know that turning on your heater has become part of your daily morning routine. Because of this, you might have started wondering… “What can I do to help my heater?”

Sometimes your heater just needs you to start following better practices or a few tips to help it run better. Efficiency helps everything—your comfort, your wallet, and your heater’s lifespan. We’re experts at everything heating in Irvine, CA. We want to help you out with staying warm for the rest of this winter season.

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