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RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Check on Your Furnace Even When It Isn’t Turned On Often


Now that it’s summer, your furnace may be the last thing on your mind. But you still need to keep it on your radar, even as the weather heats up. Your furnace is off for around half of the year, sitting unused.

It’s a good idea to check on your furnace even during the spring and summer, and we will explain why. If you have experienced any problems with your furnace in recent months, don’t put off furnace repair in Irvine. Give us a call now so that we can address any furnace problems ahead of the fall and winter seasons. They will be here before you know it!

Tips for Checking Your Furnace

First, we want to share that your furnace should be completely shut down during the summer season. If you leave it on, it continues to use energy even if it isn’t in operation. One reason to check your furnace is to ensure that it is in fact turned off completely. If it is still on, go ahead and switch it off. 

We know that you have no desire to heat your home right now when temperatures are already high outside. You don’t have to turn your furnace on to check it. Just take a few minutes to look at the air filter, the area around the pilot light, and the exterior of your furnace in general. There’s no need to go digging around, looking for a problem. Just look for any obvious signs of damage on the outside of your furnace, soot build-up around the pilot light, or a dirty air filter.

Professional Furnace Maintenance

Your next step is to schedule furnace maintenance with our team of expert technicians if you have not already done so this year. It’s always better to stay ahead of furnace problems so that you don’t face a potential breakdown in the fall or winter when you turn your furnace on again.

If you have a newer furnace, you may be tempted to skip out on maintenance. After all, it can’t be having any problems if it’s brand, new right? But, you do still want to get your furnace checked out regularly. Wear and tear begins to happen from the moment you turn your furnace on for the first time. The only way to ensure a longer-than-average lifespan for your furnace is to take excellent care of it from day one, including annual professional maintenance.

If you noticed anything worrisome during your maintenance check, please bring those items to our attention. If there is damage anywhere on the outside of your furnace, there’s also a good chance that there is damage inside. Other things, like soot around the pilot light, can indicate that there is too much fuel being released without enough airflow for combustion to happen. 

No matter what the problem is, our team can repair or replace parts and get your furnace working at its best again. Then, when you are ready to turn it on in the fall or winter, you can do so knowing that it’s ready to keep your home, warm all season long. You can’t put a price on that peace of mind. 

Contact RKM Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment with us. Done Right, Priced Right.

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