RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Murrieta’

Poor Indoor Air Quality at Your Business? It’s Time for Duct Cleaning! 

Monday, July 8th, 2024

Does it seem like the indoor air quality of your business location is suffering? You may be noticing higher dust levels, bad odors, or just a general feeling that the air inside your business is not the best it could be.  That means it’s time to schedule a commercial air duct cleaning in Murietta.

As time passes, dust, bacteria, and allergens can build up inside your commercial ductwork and begin recirculating through the air. Keep reading to learn how regular duct cleaning can help improve the indoor air quality of your business location.

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3 Quiet Signs of AC Problems

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Sometimes AC problems are obvious, but other times they are not. Some air conditioning issues are completely silent. It is important to be able to identify quiet air conditioner problems so that you can address them sooner rather than later. 

You can keep reading to learn more about three of the most common air conditioner problems that are quiet, if not completely silent. Then give our team a call to schedule an air conditioner repair in Murietta if you suspect that your air conditioner is having one of these problems.

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Tips for Commercial HVAC Maintenance

Monday, April 1st, 2024

As a business owner, keeping your commercial HVAC system working at its best is crucial for productivity and sales. You want to maintain a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for both your team members and your customers. The best way to do this is by keeping up with commercial HVAC maintenance. 

There are steps you can take as a business owner to maintain your unit, but it’s important to invest in professional care, too. If you’ve been looking for commercial HVAC companies in Murietta, you are in the right place. Our team can help with all of your commercial HVAC needs. Keep reading to learn our tips for maintaining your commercial unit.

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AC Problems You Might Run Into At the Height of Summer

Monday, August 9th, 2021

With August here and the temperatures high, your air conditioner might run into problems and fail to cool your home properly. Some of the most common issues that you can expect here include lack of cooling power, releasing warm air, using more energy leading to high electricity bills, short cycling, etc. You may also experience fan issues, which can lead to insufficient airflow inside the unit. This can cause a number of problems, such as compressor failure. 

With temperatures rising, these problems can interfere with your comfort and prevent you from getting that much-needed relief you need to escape the heat. 

Why do these problems happen, though? And what can you do about them? Here we discuss some of the most common reasons why your AC might run into issues. Let’s begin.  

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AC Problems Already? Here’s What To Do

Monday, May 17th, 2021

Air conditioning problems happen to the best of us, but we’ll be honest, it’s a little early for them to happen now.

You’re in for a long summer if you are already encountering problems now. Spring should be easy on your air conditioning system even in a place like Murrieta. If you’re already noticing that your system is starting to crack under the pressure, then it would be in your best interest to contact us. We know how to handle your air conditioning repair in Murrieta, CA. It’s easy for us to handle it now before the temperatures really heat up.

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How to Keep Your HVAC System Happy

Monday, March 22nd, 2021
Family holding green paper house in hands. Real estate concept

We’re moving into that time of year where we’re in-between seasons. If you’re wondering how you can keep your home happy, you might want to start with your home’s HVAC in Murrieta, CA. We’re going to give you a few pointers that can help you keep things going well here today.

Your HVAC system is one of the most important systems backing your home’s personal comfort. Once you let things start to slip a little, it can quickly turn into an avalanche of comfort problems. No one wants the time investment, hassle, or financial strain that comes with this. We’re here to help you make sure that you’re getting the best work possible.

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3 Heater Problems That Jeopardize Your Home Comfort

Monday, October 21st, 2019

heating-replacement-servicesIt’s fall in Southern California which means that well… the temperatures are still blazing. It’s still a great idea to start thinking about your heating services though. Sometimes your heating issues can be a little difficult to navigate. There are some heating problems that outrank others and it can be hard to gauge what deserves a call to a professional. When in doubt, call our team.

We specialize in heating in Murrieta, CA, you can rely on the professionals on our team to do the work that you need. We know that we don’t live in the coldest climate around, but it’s always worthwhile to schedule an appointment to keep your heater in the best condition possible. We’ll be there when you need us.

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It’s Time to Prepare Your Heater for Winter

Monday, October 7th, 2019

heating-replacement-servicesAre you wondering if you should try to find your home a new furnace this year? We know last winter feels like it was eons ago, but you should take some time to think about the performance of your furnace system last year. Did you have any trouble getting your home to your desired temperature? Did you have trouble keeping your home at your desired temperature? Do you pay way too much for your furnace system? It’s time for you to schedule an appointment with our team.

You can come to our team when you want a great HVAC contractor in Murrieta, CA. Make sure that you contact us because we’re going to provide you with the service that you need. Furnace installation is no joke. It’s what sets the tone for the entire life of your furnace system. Contact us today to learn more.

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It’s Never Too Late to Call for AC Repair

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

ac-boyzWe know that it’s fall here in Murrieta now. The weather hasn’t exactly cooled off, but you’ve probably had the chance to layer on a little more outwear than normal and there’s no doubt that you’re already seeing Halloween decorations in stores. The cool weather is already on your mind. This isn’t an excuse to neglect your air conditioning services though.

If you noticed that the last month or so has been really rough with your air conditioner, it might be time for you to schedule air conditioning repair in Murrieta, CA. Now is a great time to do so. You might just think that you can wait until next spring to take care of any problems, but knocking out issues now will ensure that you’re completely prepared when the temperatures start to heat up.

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How To Keep Your Furnace Running Safely

Monday, December 31st, 2018

furnace-inspectionGas furnaces utilize the burning of gas, and that can bring a slew of problems: carbon monoxide leaks, gas leaks, house fires…

Yet, gas furnaces are one of the most popular heaters used in our country. Does everyone just pretend none of these dangers exist?

Not quite. In reality, the chance of a gas furnace incident is very slim. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need to take a few precautions to ensure things keep running smoothly. The right combination of maintenance and furnace repair in Murrieta, CA will give you peace of mind all season long.

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