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RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

New Year’s Resolutions: Starting With Furnace Maintenance

We are a few weeks into the new year, and you’re probably still going strong with the resolutions you made for 2024. But there’s always room for one more! We encourage you to consider making furnace maintenance one of your New Year’s resolutions. When you schedule the service now before the end of the winter season, you give your furnace the best chance of being in great condition for winter again at the end of the year.

In fact, prioritizing annual furnace maintenance every single year is a great way to boost energy efficiency and extend your heater’s lifespan. You can keep reading to learn more about why furnace maintenance should be a priority for you this season.

Why Schedule Maintenance?

Keeping up with annual furnace maintenance has a variety of benefits. First, it helps you prevent surprise furnace breakdowns. During maintenance appointments, our team can often identify problem areas inside your heater that have the potential to wind up causing a breakdown. When we can address these problems early, we can keep your furnace running so that you don’t experience interruptions to service.

The Best Time is Now 

You might be thinking, OK, heater maintenance is important. But do you really have to schedule the service right now? If you’ve never scheduled furnace maintenance, there is no better time than today. It’s easy to continue putting off scheduling the appointment. You say that you’ll get to it next week, next month, or next season. 

Before you know it, months and years are going by without ever having furnace maintenance. We usually recommend that you schedule furnace maintenance just after the winter season. It’s a great way to make sure that your heater is in excellent condition as you turn it off for the summer. You can have peace of mind that your heater will be ready when cooler temperatures come again in the fall.

But, if you’ve never scheduled furnace maintenance, we encourage you to go ahead and do it now instead of waiting until the end of the winter season. We still have a couple of cold months ahead of us, and furnace maintenance is a great way to make sure that your system will be able to stand up to the colder temperatures we have coming. Plus, the service will benefit you next season and for years to come – especially when you prioritize it annually. 

Save Money

Scheduling furnace maintenance can actually save you money right away. The service may even pay for itself when you consider the energy savings that you can enjoy thanks to a quick furnace tune-up. The components inside of your furnace can get worn down and affect how efficiently your furnace is able to operate. Maintenance is an opportunity for us to tweak these components and make sure that they can work together with the most efficiency, using less energy and thus saving you money.

Contact RKM Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment with us. Done Right, Priced Right.

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