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RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

How to Fully Enjoy Your Heating System This Winter

Having a heater in your home is all about staying warm. But we know that you don’t just want to keep your home comfortable, you want to stay warm safely and efficiently. We have tips to help you do just that for all types of heater systems in Riverside, CA.

No matter what type of heater you have, you can use our tips to get the most out of your heater while also saving money on your monthly energy bills and keeping safety as a top priority. Keep reading to learn more about our heater tips for the coming winter season.

Check Thermostat Settings

The first place you want to check when you consider how your heater is operating is the thermostat. Your thermostat contributes greatly to how well your heater works – or doesn’t. While you do want to stay warm, you also want to use reasonable temperature settings so that your energy bills are not too high.

Experts recommend that you keep your thermostat set at around 68°. This ensures that your home is warm without setting the temperature so high that your heater is being overworked. If 68° is a little too low for your preferences, you can set your thermostat a degree or two higher. 

But keep in mind that your energy costs increase significantly the higher you set your thermostat. You can try reducing the temperature a single degree at a time over several weeks so you can adjust slowly to the change in temperature. Remember – your home will still be warm, but you’ll save money on your energy costs and reduce wear and tear to your heater at the same time.

If you think that your heater is struggling to keep your home as warm as you like, you may be tempted to set the thermostat temperature a little bit higher to compensate. Instead, we encourage you to give our team a call and schedule a maintenance appointment. There may be something wrong inside of your heater that is contributing to a lack of heat. We can fix the problem to keep your heater working great all year long.

Monthly Heater Maintenance

It’s also important to keep up with monthly maintenance steps. Dust getting into your heater can have a major impact on how well it can heat and even cause safety concerns since the particles can build up over time. It is especially important to be diligent about dusting and vacuuming during the winter season. Change the air filter out on time each month to help manage dust and dirt levels. 

You can also turn your heater off completely and then open the indoor portion of the unit and wipe away any buildup. Once these steps are complete, be sure to check the outside vent where exhaust air escapes. To make sure that the vent is not blocked or clogged in any way so that carbon monoxide and exhaust air can channel outside instead of becoming trapped inside your heater.

Professional Care

The steps that you take as a homeowner each month are crucial to heater performance. But it is equally important to have our team of experts look at your heater once per year to make sure that everything is working together as it should. 

It’s easy for one or two components to get out of place or damaged and greatly impact how well your heater can operate. Maintenance with our team is an opportunity to make sure any problems with your heater get addressed sooner rather than later.

Contact RKM Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment with us. Done Right, Priced Right.

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