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RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Common Misconceptions About Your Thermostat

Think about how often you interact with your home’s thermostat. You probably use your thermostat to turn your home’s air conditioner on and off and don’t really give it another thought. We want you to take a little extra time though. Your thermostat isn’t just the switch that’s able to turn on and off your thermostat—it’s an incredibly vital part of your HVAC system.

If you need a great HVAC system in Anaheim, CA we can help you get it. You know how hot it gets here. Make sure that you have a responsible team that understands what they’re doing so that we can fine-tune your air conditioning system at every level. Contact us today.

The Things You’ve Probably Got Wrong

There are a few common misconceptions that we often encounter when it comes to thermostat temperatures including the following:

Lower Temperatures = Faster Cooling

So you come home from a broiling summer day here in Anaheim and your home feels like a toaster oven. Your rush over to the thermostat and dial the temperature down low because a lower temperature means faster cooling, right? Wrong!

This is one of those incredibly common misconceptions that so many people assume works. We understand this logic, but unfortunately, your thermostat can never control the speed of your home’s air conditioner—just its goal. If you come home and set your thermostat down to a frosty temperature, you’re just going to make your thermostat work longer and harder for a temperature setting that’s a little overzealous.

We understand not wanting to sweat in your home when you first arrive home. If you’d like to have a cool home upon arrival, start considering a smart thermostat with Wi-Fi capabilities.

You Don’t Need to Replace a Thermostat

When you install an air conditioning system or a heating system, you expect to have to replace this system eventually—why don’t you have this same assumption for your home’s thermostat. A thermostat system seems to be one of those things that are such an afterthought to people that they overlook the unit entirely.

The fact of the matter is that you need to replace the thermostat in your home too. If you have a thermostat that’s over ten years old and/or a thermostat that still uses a dial or slide to function, it’s time for you to replace your thermostat.

Your Thermostat Isn’t That Important

Your thermostat is one of those units that people think is low on the air conditioning totem pole. In reality, your home’s thermostat is the brain of your air conditioning or heating system. Your thermostat sets everything else into motion. You’re going to need to have a great system on your hands so that you can get the most from your air conditioning system. A bad thermostat system equates to a bad air conditioning experience overall. You can rely on the expertise of our professionals if you’re overwhelmed by the number of options available on the market. We’ll guide you in the right direction.

Contact RKM Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. We’ll get your thermostat right!

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