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RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

How to Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

money-savingEnergy efficiency is often considered a concern for places with cold winters, which definitely does not apply to the Inland Empire. This winter has been much warmer than normal – temperatures in the past few weeks have been actively warm – which may lead homeowners to conclude they don’t need an energy efficient home.

But the same factors that keep homes back east warm in the winter can help keep them cool in the summer, which is of great concern to those of us here in Southern California. Soon enough, another blazing summer will be upon us, which means that now is the time to consider improving your home’s energy efficiency. There are some specific steps you can take, and with the help of a trained expert, it could translate into big savings on your monthly energy bills. We’ve listed a few of them below.

Energy Audit

An energy audit is an inspection of your home by a trained expert, looking for places where conditioned air might escape or energy is being wasted in some way. This can include things like older, less efficient appliances (such as refrigerators and dishwashers), but can also include things like cracks under doors and windows, cold spots, cross breezes and the like. An expert’s attention can identify these spots, as well as places where you can install newer, more efficient appliances to cut down on those high costs. (In particular, look for appliances with the Energy Star label, denoting particularly energy efficient devices.) With the energy audit in hand, you can then make concrete plans to correct any deficiencies in the home, and know the spots where your money will do the most good.


Few homes in the area are properly insulated, since most people believe that insulation works in the winter only. If winters are mild, as they are here, then why would you need a lot of insulation to hold in the heat? What most people fail to understand is that insulation works both ways, which means it can keep hot air out in the summer just as effectively as it keeps hot air in in the winter. If you can add more insulation to your walls or attic, you can improve your air conditioning system’s efficiency a great deal, and can see the difference in lower monthly bills this summer.

Attic Fans

Hot air rises, which is why the upper stories of your home are often warmer than the lower stories. In many cases, the hot air will be trapped in your attic, which drags down your home’s energy efficiency and will force your air conditioner to work much harder to do its job. The best way to escape this issue is by installing attic fans, which can safely channel the hot air out of your home and thus ease the burden on your air conditioning system. Considering how warm our winter has been and how early hot temperatures are likely to return, now is the perfect time to plan such an installation.

For top quality home performance services in Riverside, CA, call on RKM Heating and Air Conditioning today!


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