RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for August, 2022

Why Your Air Conditioner Might be Struggling

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

Summer is a wonderful time of the year. You get to spend lots of time outdoors with your family. But when you’re at home, you want to feel cool and comfortable. If you’ve noticed that your AC unit doesn’t seem to be cooling quite as well, you need to address the problems before the end of the season. 

If you need air conditioning maintenance in Riverside, CA, we can help. If you notice any of these three signs that your unit is struggling, it’s time to take action. Try our tips for addressing the problem, and if that doesn’t work then give us a call.

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Can I Boost My AC Efficiency?

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Your air conditioner inevitably works harder in the summer to cool your home when temperatures are at their highest. While the latest AC models are designed to stand up to the challenge of cooling your home, that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. And if you have an older air conditioner you may be looking for ways to boost efficiency so you can get a few more summers out of the unit before replacing it completely. 

There are ways you can boost efficiency and save money on your energy costs, even extending the life of your AC unit. If you’re looking for air conditioning repair in Riverside, CA, look no further. Our team can help with routine maintenance to keep your unit running at its best.

In the meantime, use these tips to help your AC unit work efficiently this summer. 

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